The Cameo: He guest stars in Dingo Doodles' halloween special as a creepy, disembodied voice.
Doubling its HP means it can survive twice as many hits, but doubling its armor class means it takes half as many hits. Doubling its attack bonus means it hits twice as much, while doubling its damage means it deals twice as much damage for each of those hits.
Ironically, despite his constant jokes that he hates making attacks because it means he has to add up numbers and do math, he takes an entire section of the Pathfinder video to talk about how monster stats work, which is way more advanced math note The part he explains is that doubling a monster's stats does not make it twice as powerful, rather it makes it 16 times as powerful.
However, the fact that he was able to quickly understand a complicated scientific explanation and summarize it in a simple and concise manner shows that he does know what he's talking about.
He makes a video where the joke is that he doesn't remember anything from college, and just googled it.
Inverted Ben often gets in over his head in D&D due to not thinking his actions through, but in real life, he has a bachelor in biochemistry, so he's pretty intelligent.
His avatar especially embodies this, being portly but one of the main sources of comedy (a given, considering he's the one telling the stories here).
Big Fun: Given Ben's art style, he makes himself (and just about every other character) look like an oval with legs.
Big Eater: Ben has admitted to be as much in the Christmas video, saying that his favorite part of the holiday is the food.
Modules that give the DM too little information, such as expecting the DM to make small talk for random NPCs for 45 minutes straight or keeping the facts of a mystery secret from the DM as well.
People who can't be bothered to read the spell description in the Player's Handbook.
All Your Powers Combined: While discussing Magic: The Gathering, he mentions some of his favorite commanders, which include Kenrith, the Returned King, the First Sliver and Karona, False God, all of which are all-color commanders.
It turns out that the purple worm is actually very similar to sea monsters.
He used the Purple Worm statblock in a Pathfinder game because he couldn't find the sea monster stats.
All traits which could canonically apply to Sauron. He ended up making him an evil, micromanaging blacksmith bureaucrat.
Ben, who seemingly has never read the The Silmarillion, needed to make up a character sheet for Sauron.